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《Let's celebrate》SectionB PPT課件

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《Let\s celebrate》SectionB PPT課件《Let\s celebrate》SectionB PPT課件

仁愛版七年級英語下冊《Let's celebrate》SectionB PPT課件,共12頁。



朗讀Topic 3 Section B 1a 對話內容,理解其大概意思。



1. 跟隨錄音,大聲朗讀下列單詞。

important [ɪm'pɔ:tnt] adj.重要的

decorate ['dekəreɪt] v.裝飾

eve [i:v] n.(尤指宗教節假日的)前夜

church [tʃɜ:tʃ] n.教堂

put up 掛起

stocking ['stɒkɪŋ] n.長筒襪

fireplace ['faɪəpleɪs] n.壁爐

open ['əʊpən] v.打開 adj.開放的,敞開的

Santa Claus ['sæntə klɔ:z] n.圣誕老人

special ['speʃl] adj.特別的,專門的

greet [ɡri:t] v.和(某人)打招呼(或問好)

merry ['merɪ] adj.愉快的

grape [ɡreɪp] n.葡萄

Jewish ['dʒu:ɪʃ] adj.猶太人的

honey ['hʌnɪ] n.蜂蜜

2. 跟隨錄音,大聲朗讀對話,圈出不理解的地方。

Christmas is the most important festival in many countries. It is on December 25th. Before Christmas Day, people are busy preparing for it. They go shopping, clean their houses, give Christmas cards to their friends and decorate Christmas trees with colorful lights, balls, stars and so on.

On Christmas Eve, the night of December 24th, families often go to church and sing Christmas songs. Children put up stockings by the fireplaces or at the end of their beds before they go to bed.

On the morning of Christmas Day, children always get up very early and open the presents in the stockings. They think the presents must be from Santa Claus! Then they give gifts to each other. Later that day, families usually have a get-together with a special dinner. They usually greet each other and say, "Merry Christmas!"

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