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《Family life》PPT課件(第2課時)

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《Family life》PPT課件(第2課時)《Family life》PPT課件(第2課時)

上海教育版五年級英語上冊《Family life》PPT課件(第2課時),共30頁。



A:Where is ...?

B:He/She is in the ... 

A:What is he/she doing?

B:He/She is ...

Say and act

Good evening. It's Earth Hour now.Many people turn off their lights.

Alice: Hi, I'm Alice. I usually watch TV with my parents in the evening, but now I'm looking at the stars.

Kitty: Hello, my name's Kitty. My brother Ben and I usually read storybooks before bedtime, but now Grandma is telling us a story.

Sally: Hi, I'm Sally. I usually do my homework at night, but now I'm playing word games with my family.

Language point

Many people turn off their lights.


people   人(本身是復數)

turn off 關上  

turn on 打開

I usually watch TV with my parents in the evening.


in the evening 在晚上 

in the morning 在早上 

in the afternoon 在下午 



earth    star     bedroom     storybook


I usually watch TV with my parents in the evening, but now I'm looking at the stars.

... ... ...

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