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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 仁愛版英語八年級上冊 >
  • 《What

    《What's your hobby?》SectionD Flash動畫課件

    《What's your hobby?》SectionD Flash動畫課件 本課件為課堂故事學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版八年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What's your hobby?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《What

    《What's your hobby?》SectionD PPT

    《What's your hobby?》SectionD PPT 第一部分內容:Group work List hobbies as many as you can. play computer games play basketball collect coins chat on the Internet go fishing walk a pet dog listen to music play chess watch TV do the housew...

  • 《What

    《What's your hobby?》SectionC MP3音頻課件

    《What's your hobby?》SectionC MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版八年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《What's your hobby?》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《What

    《What's your hobby?》SectionC Flash動畫課件

    《What's your hobby?》SectionC Flash動畫課件 本課件為課程故事學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版八年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What's your hobby?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《What

    《What's your hobby?》SectionC PPT

    《What's your hobby?》SectionC PPT 第一部分內容:Practice Talk about your hobbies in the past according to the pictures and the example. Example: I used to walk a pet dog, but I didnt use to play sports. Lets learn how to make a scrapbook....

  • 《What

    《What's your hobby?》SectionB MP3音頻課件

    《What's your hobby?》SectionB MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版八年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《What's your hobby?》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《What

    《What's your hobby?》SectionB Flash動畫課件

    《What's your hobby?》SectionB Flash動畫課件 本課件為課堂對話學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版八年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What's your hobby?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《What

    《What's your hobby?》SectionB PPT

    《What's your hobby?》SectionB PPT 第一部分內容:Look, listen and say Watch the flash of 1a and answer the question. Who collects stamps ? Maria. Michael: Hi, Maria! What are you carrying? Maria: Its my stamp collection. Would you like to...

  • 《What

    《What's your hobby?》SectionA MP3音頻課件

    《What's your hobby?》SectionA MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版八年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《What's your hobby?》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《What

    《What's your hobby?》SectionA Flash動畫課件

    《What's your hobby?》SectionA Flash動畫課件 本課件為課堂對話學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版八年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What's your hobby?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《What

    《What's your hobby?》SectionA PPT

    《What's your hobby?》SectionA PPT 第一部分內容:新課導入 Whats your hobby ? climb mountains collect stamps listen to music walk a pet dog He loves fishing. She likes painting. ... ... ... 《What's your hobby?》PPT,第二部分內容:Listen, l...

  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionD MP3音頻課件

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionD MP3音頻課件

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionD MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版八年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionD PPT

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionD PPT

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionD PPT 第一部分內容:新課導入 Tick the following ideas you think are correct before reading. Then read the passage and check. 1.The more exercise the better. ( ) 2.We should stop exercising wh...

  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionC MP3音頻課件

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionC MP3音頻課件

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionC MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版八年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionC Flash動畫課件

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionC Flash動畫課件

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionC Flash動畫課件 本課件為課堂故事學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版八年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionC PPT

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionC PPT

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionC PPT 第一部分內容:Review Work in pairs and check if the following habits are good. If not give your advice. Always be happy. Eat a lot of potato chips. Smoke and drink. Drink enough water....

  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionB MP3音頻課件

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionB MP3音頻課件

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionB MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版八年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionB Flash動畫課件

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionB Flash動畫課件

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionB Flash動畫課件 本課件為課堂對話學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版八年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionB PPT

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionB PPT

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionB PPT 第一部分內容:Review What should we do to prevent the flu? Write down the advice according to the pictures. How to prevent the flu? We should keep our rooms clean and the air fresh. We s...

  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionA MP3音頻課件

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionA MP3音頻課件

    《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionA MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版八年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

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