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《What an adventure!》SectionC PPT課件

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《What an adventure!》SectionC PPT課件《What an adventure!》SectionC PPT課件

外研版高中英語必修三《What an adventure!》SectionC PPT課件,共37頁。


Ⅰ 閱讀理解(根據課文內容選擇正確答案) 

1. Who was found working on the submarine?

A. Pierre Aronnax,the biologist professor.

B. Nemo,the captain.

C. Conseil,the servant.

D. Ned Land,the whale hunter.

2. Why weren’t the three passengers permitted to leave the submarine?

A. To keep the secret.  B. To enjoy more undersea scenes.

C. To help the captain Nemo. D. To take more adventures there.

3. Why was Ned different from the other two passengers?

A. He enjoyed the adventures most.

B. He thought only of running away.

C. He was in charge of the submarine.

D. He was attacked by the terrible creature.

4. What was not described in the words of Aronnax?

A. The solar rays in the sea.

B. The sand under the sea.

C. The colours of the sea water.

D. The temperature of the sea.



教材原句p.57 They are captured and taken inside the submarine, where they meet  the man in charge,Captain Nemo. 他們被抓了起來并被帶到潛水艇內,在那 里他們遇見了負責人尼摩船長。 

1 charge n. & v. 

(1)n. 主管,負責 ;費用,價錢;指控,控告

It is said that his father is in charge of a big company.據說他父親掌管一家大公司。 [詞匯復現]

He took charge of the farm after his father’s death.他在他父親去世后掌管了農場。

(2)v. 收費,要價;指控,控告;指責,責備

He charged me $50 for repairing my computer.他修理我的電腦收了我 50 美元。

He was charged with crossing the border illegally.他被指控非法越境。 [詞匯復現]

教材原句p.57 Ahead of its time, the submarine is also a secret from the rest of the world. 這艘潛水艇是一個超越時代的發明,并且一直是一個不為人知的秘密。

2 ahead  adv.在前面

We must accept the challenge ahead of us.我們必須接受我們面前的挑戰。

We are trying to look ahead and see what our options are.


教材原句p.57   In order to keep this secret, Captain Nemo tells his three newest passengers that they are not permitted to leave the submarine. 


3 permit v. & n.

(1)v. 允許,準許,許可                                 

He permitted his son to take charge of a project.


(2)n. 許可證   搭配:apply for a permit 申請許可證

He has applied for a permit to visit the library freely.他已申請了免費參觀圖書館的許可證。

【單詞積累】permission n. 允許,許可

ask(for)permission 請求許可  get permission 獲得許可

give permission 批準,許可   without permission 未經許可

【學法點撥】permit 用作名詞時,是可數名詞,而 permission 是不可數名詞。

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